Design construction and survey of new vessels – All new vessels shall be designed & constructed as per the recognized standards of construction and survey rules for certification, prescribed by the Regulatory Authority from time to time.
Safety of existing vessels – The existing vessels shall demonstrate by the history of safe operation of the Vessel or similar design of vessels that the design, construction and survey of the vessels are adequate for the intended service.
Design, construction and materials of Vessels – The design, construction and materials of the hull structure as well as machineries and equipment shall be suitably designed to ensure safe operations of Vessels for the intended services. In particular, passenger vessels shall be differently-abled friendly.
Registration of all Vessels – All Vessels shall be registered with the Regulatory Authority and have a registration number that shall be provided by the Regulatory Authority. The Registration number shall be prominently marked on Vessels.
Carrying capacity of all Vessels – The carrying capacity of the Vessels shall be primarily determined by the Regulatory Authority as prescribed.
Rules and regulations for monitoring and periodical survey – The Regulatory Authority shall prescribe rules and regulations for monitoring and periodical survey of ferries, and vessels from time to time.
Out of water inspection by operators –
The operators shall satisfy themselves about the integrity of the ferry´s and vessel´s hull by an out of water examination at least every 3 years (2 years in case of wooden vessels) and the same shall be properly documented on prescribed safety certificate.
The external components of steering and propulsion machinery and shell fittings shall also be examined out of the water. The documented report of such examination shall be made available on board for verification by the Regulatory Authority, passengers, passengers associations and non- governmental organizations.
Safety briefing to passengers – At the start of every voyage or trip, the master operator or other responsible seamen, crew members shall give prescribed safety briefing to passengers. The safety briefing shall consist of restrictions about the movement on board, emergency procedures, location of emergency exits, stowage and use of personal protective equipment such as life jackets and life buoys
Sufficient lifesaving equipment –
Every vessel shall have approved lifesaving equipment sufficient for the number of persons as per safety certificate prescribed
Provision of life jackets – Every vessel shall have life jackets to be provided to the passengers in case of need. All the lifesaving appliances shall be properly maintained and periodically serviced based on the recommendations by the manufacturing company.
Provision of First Aid Box – First Aid Box shall be kept essentially in every vessel with all the emergency first aid equipment and medications to be used in case of emergency
Provision of fire extinguisher – At least one multipurpose portable fire extinguisher of a recognized standard shall be carried on each deck of all the vessels navigating in inland waterways in addition to anything else that may be prescribed.
List of Prohibited items – All the vessel operators shall prominently display posters on board indicating items prohibited to be carried on the Vessels as may be prescribed.
Prohibition on smoking – Smoking shall be strictly prohibited on the vessels.
Navigation lights on Vessels– The ferries, vessels operating at night should be equipped with navigation lights as prescribed. The prescribed sound signaling equipment shall also be provided on all vessels.
Emergency communication equipment – All vessels carry prescribed emergency communication equipment.
General safety measures– Without prejudice to the generality of the provisions contained in this chapter, the Regulatory Authority may prescribe rules to enhance safety culture, mitigate dangers, identify risks, danger of moving machinery parts, preventive measures for fire such as fitting flame gauze, emergency power and charging of batteries, approved maritime radio communication, and such other measures that will ensure structural, water tight integrity and stability of vessel.
Safety measures for fuel storage tanks – On mechanized Vessels, safety measures for fuel storage tanks shall be as prescribed.
Appointment of surveyor – The Regulatory Authority shall appoint a surveyor in order to ensure compliance with all safety provisions of this Act.
Independent investigation into pollution accident – Independent investigation into Vessels causing pollution accident shall be ordered as prescribed by the Regulatory Authority.
Accident identification report –
The investigators shall prepare an accident identification report within thirty days from the date of completion of the investigation, and serve the same to parties concerned.
The accident identification report shall specify the basic facts of the accident, the causes of the accident, the responsibility for the accident, lessons learnt and preventive action if any.
The Regulatory Authority shall publish findings of such investigation report of safety accident and or pollution incident.
The Regulatory Authority shall have powers to grant exemption and/or equivalence as prescribed.
Prevention and control of pollution – The structure, equipment and devices of a ferry or vessel in respect of prevention and control of pollution shall be as prescribed. The Regulatory Authority shall simultaneously provide for approved waste disposal, reception facilities in its ports, terminals at reasonable cost to the end user of inland water transport services.
Survey for compliance – The structure, equipment and devices of a ferry or vessel shall be surveyed by a surveyor that has been appointed by the Regulatory Authority; Pollution prevention equipment shall be kept in good order and condition for emergency use.
Entry in surveyor certificate – Where an existing ferry or vessel may, upon survey by a surveyor, is exempted from being equipped with otherwise prescribed treatment facilities for pollutants, remarks shall be made on prescribed safety certificate.
Requirement to carry certificates – A vessel shall, based on the requirements of the relevant laws, administrative regulations, the provisions of the transport department of Government of Assam, possess and carry on board effective corresponding certificates and documents in respect of the prevention and control of pollution caused by vessels and their relevant operations to inland waters environment.
Knowledge and skill for the prevention and control of pollution – The vessel operator, ferry service provider shall have the appropriate ability of professional knowledge and skill for the prevention and control of pollution caused by vessels and their relevant operations to inland waters environment, be familiar with the procedures and requirements for preventing the pollution caused by vessels, pass corresponding professional training and hold valid competency certificates and conformity certificates.
Readiness for rescue plan – The Regulatory Authority shall, in respect of the dangerous characteristics of dangerous chemicals transported, formulate contingency rescue plan for dangerous chemicals accidents for the carrying vessels, and shall equip the carrying vessels with sufficient and effective devices and equipment for emergency rescue.
Contingency plan for prevention and control of pollution – The operator of a port, dock, terminal, or a loading and unloading place and relevant operating units shall have approved contingency plan for preventing and controlling of pollution caused by vessels and their relevant operations to inland waters environment and organize drills at least once a year, and maintain proper records thereof.
Abiding by relevant provisions and standards for prevention of pollution – Vessels navigating, berthing or operating within waters under special protection shall abide by relevant provisions and standards for prevention of pollution in such waters.
Requirement for third party liability insurance –
For a vessel transporting dangerous chemicals by inland waters, her owner or operator shall have prescribed third party liability insurance cover available in India for pollution caused by such vessel. Authenticated and valid copy of such insurance shall be available on board.
It shall be the obligation of the State to provide reception facilities and appropriate disposal of waste from existing vessels that may not be fitted with treatment plants or new vessels that may be fitted with treatment plants duly certified by or exempted from Recognized Organization. The State Government shall call Regulatory Authority to ensure minimum mandatory substantial national equivalent in this regard.
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