On-Going Studies Related to the Project
A ‘General Consultant (GC)’ has been assigned to assist the AIWTDS for all the technical & procurement related supports. GC is also deputed to enhance the capacity building of the society. Additionally, following preliminary studies are at various stages related to the project.
Integrated Strategic Development Plan (ISDP) for Assam´s IWT sector.
This has notably included development of, among other tasks:
- An overall transport strategy for Assam, to guide the government in comprehensive and integrated transport solutions for the state;
- a vision for the IWT sector development till 2035;
- a Strategic Investment Plan outlining specific short, medium and long term investments and activities to support that vision (whether from public or private sources);
- development of an IWT Sustainability Plan including proposed investments to enhance environmental and social sustainability at the sector level;
- feasibility study of the specific activities within the investment plan proposed for financing under the scope of the Assam Inland Water Transport Project, including environmental and social screening, alternatives analysis and initial assessment of all proposed investments;
Institutional Strengthening and Business Planning:
It is for creating a more supportive institutional framework for IWT sector development in Assam. This will include, among other tasks, delineation of roles/responsibilities and organizational plans for sector regulation (including safety and environmental regulations) by an independent IWT regulatory authority, and for operational and commercial functions of the government"s shipping operations and terminal services by two corporations to be established (Assam Inland Water Transport Corporation Limited (AIWTCL) and the Assam Inland Ports Corporation Ltd (AIPCL).
Environmental & Social Impact Assessment
- Environmental Scoping Report and Social Scoping Report for the Proposed Studies
- Environmental Screening, Social Screening and Analysis of Project Alternatives
- Cumulative Environmental Impact Assessment and Social Impact Assessment for Overall Project
- Prepare Social Management Framework (SMF) & a Stand-alone Resettlement Policy Framework (RPF)
- Labour Influx Risk Assessment for Identified Investments.
- Public Consultation and Disclosure, requisite Stakeholders" Meetings for all Studies
- Obtain Mandatory Statutory Clearances for Overall Project
Preparation of Detailed Project Report (dpr) along with front end Engineering Design, Drawings, Tender Documents and modularization of design elements for development of ferry Services in Assam
1. Review/Assess the outputs by ISDP Consultant on feasible IWT investments under Assam IWT Project as they are made available. Outputs from ISDP are expected as follows:
- An early feasibility assessment of locations for passenger (including cargo) ferry terminals from a list of 10 pre-selected existing Ghats /terminals as stated.
- Complete feasibility report on strategic IWT investments under the project
2. Prepare Detailed Project Report (DPR), Front End Engineering Design (FEED) and tender document (as per World Bank guidelines) for each of the validated feasible locations as identified by ISDP in developing modern IWT infrastructure - primarily the passenger (including those with cargo facilities) ferry terminals with all associated facilities including user access.
3. Prepare on fast track priority basis, the Detailed Project Report and tender documents for development works amounting to approx. US $ 50 Million within four months from the letter of award.
4. Modularization of design elements for passenger (and cargo) ferry terminals for both high traffic and low traffic locations & development of customizable design models for future interventions, based on the potential traffic and the number of vessels that needs to be berthed at the terminal. Different types of last mile connectivity / accessibility solutions should be included with the design models of terminals depending on the location and river bank terrain, and capturing the best international models as well as innovative solutions available locally. Passenger facilities are the focus, but considerations should be made to accompanying cargo facilities, to accommodate trade flows.
5. Pro-actively plan and share information with the EIA (Environmental Impact Assessment) and SIA (Social Impact Assessment) consultants that would help in preparation of the detailed environmental and social safeguards studies.